Thursday, October 31, 2024

Alice VR D Level

 For this assignment, I added a transition of the rabbit falling down the rabbit hole. I also added background music for the main level and played around with the lighting a bit. It's not in its final form, but it's on its way there. I also fixed the scale so that the rabbit is much smaller than the environment. I did some set dressing and edited the actual environment mesh. Lastly, I created a blueprint so that when you grab the mushroom, the environment changes color a bit.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Alice VR Project - F Level

 For the first iteration of the Alice VR project, I worked on creating the blockout of the environment, and I set-dressed the scene with the props that the rest of the team created. I also worked on a proxy effect for dirty water to pour out of the pipes. Additionally, I created a master material and 3 instances. In the player start space, I switched the proxy cube asset to a mushroom and gave a summary of the story. I also created some holdable assets like the mushrooms. Lastly, I created a unique skeletal mesh asset (the pipe) and when it is picked up it snaps into place.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Lighting Workshop HW 2

 This week, I worked on creating and lighting an outdoor environment with a skylight. I then took screenshots of the scene with a cinematic ...